woman receiving a cosmetic filler injection

Botox® in Suffolk, VA

Dentistry treatments often seem to end after you’ve attained a beautiful, functioning smile. However, at Riverfront Dentistry, we take treatments one step further by providing smile enhancements to help you remain youthful as well as treat TMJ and migraines. With Botox® we can help you with TMJ, and migraines! Schedule a consultation with our knowledgeable team to learn more and begin your treatment in Suffolk, VA.

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woman at the dentist

Am I A Candidate for Botox?

Determining your candidacy for Botox depends on several factors. Patients who suffer from TMJ, pain in the jaw joint, and migraines can be considered good candidates for Botox as Botox can help alleviate pain associated with excessive clenching or teeth grinding by overworked muscles. A thorough evaluation of your medical history can help determine treatment suitable for you.

man at dentist

Benefits of Botox Treatment

Botox is typically used for TMJ treatment and migraines, as relaxing facial muscles which can help symptoms subside.

woman at the dentist

What Can I Expect After Botox

Botox injections are quick to administer. Several days after getting injections, you will see notable improvements. Along with notable changes, you can expect swelling and bruising, but avoiding touching and rubbing your face and strenuous activities for at least 24 hours after injection can help these symptoms dissipate quickly. Depending on the placement of the injection, results can last several months!

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